

  1. ruokailija, ravintola-asiakas

  2. amerikkalainen ruokapaikka (pieni)


We ate at the 'diner'.

Liittyvät sanat: restaurant



tienvarsiruokapaikka, ravintolavaunu, matkustajavaunu, junavaunu, vaunu, vaunut, ravintola, ruokapaikka, ruokala, leikkaaja, paistin leikkaaja, syöjä, pöytänaapuri, seuralainen.


  1. dinero: raha


Rimmaavat sanat

diner rimmaa näiden kanssa:

designer, manner, tanner, sotatanner, taistelutanner, kinner...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

diner (englanti > suomi)

  1. ravintolavaunu

diner englanniksi

  1. One who dines, an eater.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (w) (1935-)

  4. When it comes to Chinese food I have always operated under the policy that the less known about the preparation the better. A wise diner who is invited to visit the kitchen replies by saying, as politely as possible, that he has a pressing engagement elsewhere.
  5. A dining car in a railroad train.

  6. Richard Gutman

  7. The diner is everybody's kitchen.
  8. A typically small restaurant, usually modeled after a railroad dining car, that serves lower-class fare, normally having a counter with stools along one side and booths on the other, and often decorated in 1950s 50s and 1960s 60s pop culture themes and playing popular music from those decades.

  9. puhekieltä money

  10. (l), (l)

  11. (alternative spelling of)

  12. (l) (gloss)

  13. (alternative form of)
