

  1. yltiöpäinen, holtiton, huoleton



epäsovinnainen, epätavanomainen, huoleton, railakas, rempseä, vastuuntunnoton, vastuuton, ajattelematon, kepeä, holtiton, piittaamaton.


Rimmaavat sanat

devil-may-care rimmaa näiden kanssa:

kare, lohkare, kivilohkare, kivenlohkare, kallionlohkare, kalliolohkare, irtolohkare, siirtolohkare, jäälohkare, kokkare...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

devil-may-care (englanti > suomi)

  1. rämäpäinen, holtiton, välinpitämätön, huoleton

devil-may-care englanniksi

  1. carefree Carefree, reckless, irresponsible.

  2. (quote-text)|title=The Pickwick Papers|chapter=49|passage=Not that this would have worried him much, anyway—he was a mighty free and easy, roving, devil-may-care sort of person.

  3. (quote-text)|title=The Broad Highway|chapter=3|passage=Now, upon his whole person, from the crown of his unkempt head down to his broken, dusty boots, there yet clung that air of jaunty, devil-may-care rakishness.

  4. 2011 May 21, Altin Raxhimi, ",8599,2073237,00.html The Trouble with Democracy: Albania's Worrisome Vote," Time:

  5. Tiny Albania emerged from communist dictatorship in 1990 only to tumble into a rough world of gangsters, fraudulent financial machinations and incompetent governance, exacerbated by lawless capitalism and devil-may-care politics.
