

  1. lähettäminen

  2. sanoma

  3. ilmoitus, raportti

  4. yhteys|k=en|vanhahtava|ylätyyliä nopeus, joutuisuus



lähteminen, lähetys, toimitus, tavaratoimitus, uudelleenlähetys, surmaaminen, tappaminen, surma, tappo, lopettaminen, vauhdikkuus, vikkelyys, lennokkuus, nopeus, ripeys, joutuisuus, sukkeluus.

Rimmaavat sanat

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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

despatch englanniksi

  1. (alternative form of) (see also Wikipedia's w:Mentioned_in_Despatches Mentioned in Despatches)

  2. 1843, w:William Hickling Prescott|William Hickling Prescott, The Conquest of Mexico, Volume 1, 1957, %22despatches%22+-intitle:%22despatch|despatches%22+-inauthor:%22%22&dq=%22despatch%22|%22despatches%22+-intitle:%22despatch|despatches%22+-inauthor:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xjg6T_XBNejJmQWDvKHACw&redir_esc=y page 31,

  3. The courier, bearing his despatches in the form of a hieroglyphical painting, ran with them to the first station,(..).
  4. {{quote-book|year=1931|author=w:John Palmer (author)|Francis Beeding

  5. (alternative form of)

  6. 1833, Massachusetts Medical Society, New England Surgical Society, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Volumes 8-9, %22despatching%22+-intitle:%22despatched|despatching%22+-inauthor:%22%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=dkg6T-3SNczumAXjlMWeCw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22despatched%22|%22despatching%22%20-intitle%3A%22despatched|despatching%22%20-inauthor%3A%22%22&f=false page 31,

  7. She fainted, was got into bed, and a messenger was despatched for me.
  8. (RQ:Brmnghm Gsmr)

  9. There is an hour or two, after the passengers have embarked, which is disquieting and fussy.(..)Passengers wander restlessly about or hurry, with futile energy, from place to place. Pushing men hustle each other at the windows of the purser's office, under pretence of expecting letters or despatching telegrams.
  10. (quote-magazine)
