


luonteenpiirre, käyttäytyminen, käytös, toiminta, menettelytapa, käytöstapa, käytöstavat, kansalaishenki, kerskailu, sopivaisuus, säädyllisyys.

Rimmaavat sanat

deportment rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

deportment englanniksi

  1. bearing; manner of presenting oneself:

  2. Her deportment impressed her interviewers.

  3. 1922, (w), w:Ulysses (novel)|Ulysses Chapter 13

  4. ...Edy asked what and she was just going to tell her to catch it while it was flying but she was ever ladylike in her deportment so she simply passed it off with consummate tact...
  5. conduct; public behavior:

  6. Their deportment changed visibly as the policeman approached.

  7. apparent level of schooling or training:

  8. His academic deportment did not match his degree record.

  9. self-discipline:

  10. The nuns deportment reflected her vocation.''
