

  1. mestaus

Liittyvät sanat: hanging



surmaaminen, tappaminen, surma, tappo, mestaus, teloitus, kuolemanrangaistus, kuolemantuomio.

Rimmaavat sanat

decapitation rimmaa näiden kanssa:

science fiction, lotion...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

decapitation englanniksi

  1. beheading Beheading; the act of beheading or decapitating

  2. If the headsmans axe was sharp and his aim was true, decapitation was a quick and relatively painless form of death''

  3. The ousting or destruction of the ruling body of a government or other organization.

  4. A decapitation strike carried out by drone killed many of the countrys senior generals.''

  5. puhekieltä The unseat unseating of a senior politician.

  6. The decapitation of the Foreign Secretary was a significant publicity coup for the opposition.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. (quote-journal)
