

  1. peittoinen, jonkin peittämä

  2. pilvinen

Liittyvät sanat: service

Rimmaavat sanat

couvert rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

couvert englanniksi

  1. cover charge

  2. 1941, Federal Writers' Project, Los Angeles: A Guide to the City and Its Environs

  3. Earl Carroll's Theater-Restaurant, 6230 Sunset Blvd. Dinner from 7:30 to 11 p.m., no couvert; without dinner, admission charge.
  4. 1965, The Spectator

  5. (..) the habit of hotel restaurants charging a couvert to residents, and of clubs charging table money to their own members.
  6. 2010, Karen Torme Olson, Frommers Croatia''

  7. The couvert is a “cover charge” that is a prima facie charge for bread, which is brought to the table automatically in most places.
  8. cutlery, silverware

  9. (l)

  10. covered

  11. cloudy, overcast

  12. Piece of cutlery

  13. covering, shelter

  14. (past participle of)
