

  1. kansalainen, maanmies

  2. maalainen, talonpoika



maanmies, maalainen, Filemon.

Rimmaavat sanat

countryman rimmaa näiden kanssa:

self-made man, best man, hieman, ilman, stuntman...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

countryman (englanti > suomi)

  1. kansalainen, maanmies; maalainen in compounds and questions

  2. maanmies

  3. maalainen

countryman englanniksi

  1. Somebody from a certain country.

  2. Somebody from one's own country; a fellow countryman, compatriot.

  3. *(quote-video)|(w)|1|8|episode=Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements|network=HBO||You don’t need to wait. Here, there she is. There, there she is right now, embodying the harsh irony that is her existence, because at that moment next week, she will be a queen with fake power visiting a fake kingdom which arguably has more impact on the lives of her countrymen than she does.

  4. country dweller, especially a follower of country pursuits

  5. puhekieltä a settled person, as opposed to a traveller
