

  1. olennainen


Its a constituent part of my collection.

:Se on olennainen osa kokoelmaani.



aine, substanssi, materia, kaikki kaikessa, tärkein asia, juonen elementti, piste, osa, osasto, osatekijä, elementti, tekijä, aines, ainesosa.

Rimmaavat sanat

constituent rimmaa näiden kanssa:

management, understatement, establishment, vol-au-vent...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

constituent (englanti > suomi)

  1. aineksena oleva

  2. perustuslakia säätävä

  3. aineosa, ainesosa, rakenneosa

  4. äänestäjä

  5. lauseenjäsen

constituent englanniksi

  1. Being a part, or component of a whole.

  2. Dryden

  3. Body, soul, and reason are the three parts necessarily constituent of a man.
  4. authorized Authorized to make a constitution.

  5. Junius

  6. A question of right arises between the constituent and representative body.
  7. A part, or component of a whole.

  8. Tyndall

  9. We know how to bring these constituents together, and to cause them to form water.
  10. The person or thing which constitutes, determines, or constructs.

  11. Sir M. Hale

  12. Their first composure and origination require a higher and nobler constituent than chance.
  13. A resident of a place represented by an elected official.

  14. Macaulay

  15. To appeal from the representatives to the constituents.
  16. {{quote-journal

  17. puhekieltä One who appoints another to act for him as attorney in fact.

  18. (rfquotek)

  19. puhekieltä A functional element of a phrase or clause.

  20. (quote-book)

  21. Thus, the postulation of a Noun Phrase constituent is justified on morphological grounds, since it is not obvious how we could describe the grammar of the genitive 's inflection in English without saying that it's a Noun Phrase inflection.
  22. (inflection of)
