

  1. lohduttaja

  2. yhteys|AmE|k=en peite, täkki, toppatäkki

  3. yhteys|AmE|k=en tutti


a down comforter – untuvapeite

Liittyvät sanat: comfort, comfortable



petivaatteet, vuodevaatteet, tutti, huvitutti, purulelu, hupitutti, laite, untuvapeite, untuvatäkki, täkki, tilkkutyö, tilkkutäkki, vanupeite, lohduttaja, osaaottava, surunvalittelija.

Rimmaavat sanat

comforter rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water, copywriter, bitter, babysitter...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

comforter (englanti > suomi)

  1. lohduttaja

  2. peite, (paksu, talvi-) peitto, untuvapeite

comforter englanniksi

  1. A person who comforts someone who is suffering.

  2. Shakespeare

  3. Let no comforter delight mine ear / But such a one whose wrongs do suit with mine.
  4. (US) A padded cover for a bed, duvet, continental quilt.

  5. (old fashioned, mostly UK) A woollen scarf for winter.

  6. 1839, (w), (w), Chapter 29,

  7. (..) round his neck he wore a flaming red worsted comforter, whereof the straggling ends peeped out beneath his threadbare Newmarket coat, which was very tight and buttoned all the way up.
  8. 1881, Felix L. Oswald, “Physical Education,” w:Popular Science|Popular Science Monthly June, 1881, p. 148,

  9. The American schoolboy takes off his comforter and unbuttons his jacket before going in for a snowball fight.
  10. {{quote-book|year=1905|author=w:Emma Orczy|Baroness Emmuska Orczy

  11. puhekieltä A pacifier.
