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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

buttle englanniksi

  1. To serve as or perform the duties of a butler.

  2. 1909, J. T. Grein, Sunday Times:

  3. ...even the stoic and impeccable maid of Miss Ethelwyn Arthur-Jones, who ‘buttled’ as well as the most time-honoured butler.
  4. 1989, Benjamin Quarles, The Negro in the Civil War:

  5. Houses where Negroes buttled or cooked were marked for a visit.
  6. 2000, Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum:

  7. At times like this, he buttled when Spriggan the butler was not on duty, or if an extra hand was needed, he footed as well.
  8. (seemoreCites)
