

  1. messinki

  2. yhteys|musiikki|k=en vasket, vaskipuhaltimet

  3. (sotilasslangia) sotilasjohto, päällystö

  4. (arkikieltä) röyhkeys, julkeus

  5. yhteys|slangia|k=en raha

Liittyvät sanat: brazen



baritoni, baritonitorvi, barytoni, tuuba, sousafoni, torvi, vaskipuhallin, vaskisoitin, laatta, muistolaatta, messinkiesine, koriste, somiste, koristus, ornamentti, koriste-esine, muistomerkki, monumentti, puhallinsoitin, puhallin.

Liittyvät sanat: brasserie, brassi.


  1. brassaa: telmiä / rähjätä : Älkää ny viittikö koko ajan brassailla ku faija on gisa.

  2. brassaa: leikkiä

  3. brassaa: diivailla / uhoilla : Ei se oo mikää oikee diriga, se vaan brassaa.

  4. brassi: brasilialainen : Brassit kyl tsennaa mite futista pitää skulaa.

Rimmaavat sanat

brass rimmaa näiden kanssa:

topless, business, edelweiss, miss, rallicross, minicross, motocross...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

brass (englanti > suomi)

  1. messinki

  2. vaskipuhaltimet|p

  3. hylsy

  4. päällystö

  5. messinkinen, messinki|alt=messinki-

  6. messinginvärinen

  7. koppava

  8. messingöidä

brass englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A metallic alloy of copper and zinc used in many industrial and plumbing applications.

  2. puhekieltä A class of wind instruments, usually made of metal (such as brass), that use vibrations of the player's lips to produce sound.

  3. Spent shell casings (usually made of brass); the part of the cartridge left over after bullets have been fired.

  4. puhekieltä The colour of brass.

  5. (color panel)

  6. puhekieltä High-ranking officers.

  7. The brass are not going to like this.

    The brass is not going to like this.

  8. puhekieltä A brave or foolhardy attitude.

  9. Youve got a lot of brass telling me to do that!''

  10. puhekieltä Money.

  11. Inferior composition.

  12. Made of brass, of or pertaining to brass.

  13. Of the colour of brass.

  14. puhekieltä impertinent Impertinent, bold: brazen.

  15. 1996 May 24, 2:00 am, Sherman Simpson, Want license key for AGENT FOR WINDOWS95, alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent:

  16. Maybe (probably so), but it's rare someone is brass enough to post a msg for all to see asking for a software key, that the vast majority have paid for in support of the development effort.
  17. 2000 Aug 18, 2:00 am, David Ryan, strangest bid retraction /illegal lottery NOT, rec.collecting.coins:

  18. After cornering the dutch auction, the seller was brass enough to send him the whole lot without one.
  19. 2000 Aug 19, 3:00 am, n4mwd, for RMB,

  20. Try to keep in mind that not all of his converts are brass enough to challenge the benzo pushers in this group, ...
  21. puhekieltä bad Bad, annoying; as wordplay applied especially to brass instruments.

  22. 1888, Mr. & Mrs. Bancroft on and off the stage: written by themselves, volume 1, page 90:

  23. Grindoff, the miller, 'and the leader of a very brass band of most unpopular performers, with a thorough base accompaniment of at least fifty vices,' was played by Miss Saunders.
  24. 1900, The Training of Seamen, published in The Saturday Review, 3 November 1900, volume 90, number 2349, page 556:

  25. I must confess that to me there is something almost pathetic in the sight of a body of bluejackets improving their muscles on the quarter deck by bar-bell exercise, accompanied by a brass — a very brass — band, ...
  26. 1908, The Smith Family, published in Punch, March 4 1908, bound in Punch vol. CXXXIV, page 168:

  27. Mr. REGINALD SMITH, KC, the publisher, followed, but he had hardly begun his very interesting remarks when a procession headed by a very brass band entered Smithfield from the west, and approached the platform.
  28. 1937, Blair Niles, A journey in time: Peruvian pageant, page 166:

  29. There are soldiers, policemen, priests and friars, as well as a motley mass of women, children, babies and dogs, and upon special occasions a very brass band.
  30. Philippine Magazine, volume 6, page 27: (rfdat)

  31. The padre in my neighborhood — Santa Ana — was having some kind of a fiesta, and had hired a very brass band. This band kept up its martial airs for hours and hours after I got home, with grand finales — or what each time I hoped would be the grand finale, every five minutes.
  32. Of inferior composition.

  33. (quote-journal)

  34. to coat with brass

  35. puhekieltä brass in pocket|Brass in pocket; money.

  36. puhekieltä A brass nail; a prostitute.

  37. puhekieltä brass monkey|Brass monkey; cold.

  38. puhekieltä English brass
