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Englannin sanakirja

borne englanniksi

  1. carried, supported.

  2. 1901 - w:Joseph Conrad|Joseph Conrad, s:Falk Falk: A Reminiscence

  3. In the last rays of the setting sun, you could pick out far away down the reach his beard borne high up on the white structure, foaming up stream to anchor for the night.
  4. 1881: w:Oscar Wilde|Oscar Wilde, "s:Rome Unvisited|Rome Unvisited", Poems, page 44

  5. When, bright with purple and with gold,
    Come priest and holy cardinal,
    And borne above the heads of all
    The gentle Shepherd of the Fold.
  6. c.2000 - s:David Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt|David Irving v. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt, II

  7. Irving is further required, as a matter of practice, to spell out what he contends are the specific defamatory meanings borne by those passages.
  8. (inflection of)

  9. 1907, w:Harold Edward Bindloss|Harold Bindloss, The Dust of Conflict chapter 21

  10. “Can't you understand that love without confidence is a worthless thing—and that had you trusted me I would have borne any obloquy with you.(..)
  11. bollard such as those used to restrict automobiles off a pedestrian area

  12. territorial boundary marker

  13. territorial or geographical border

  14. milestone such as those alongside a roadway

  15. puhekieltä a kilometre

  16. mark

  17. dépasser les bornes

    cross the mark

  18. machine

  19. borne libre service

    self-service machine

  20. puhekieltä boundary stone
