

  1. (puhekieltä) tissi

  2. suula



suula, Sula, Sula-laji, typerys, pölkkypää, toope, tollo, mäntti, ääliö, tomppeli, yksinkertainen ihminen, yksinkertainen, hölmö, tyhmyri.

Rimmaavat sanat

booby rimmaa näiden kanssa:

baby, hobby, lobby, rugby...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

booby (englanti > suomi)

  1. tollo

  2. suula

  3. tissi

booby englanniksi

  1. A stupid person.

  2. 1773, (w), (w), Act I,

  3. The daughter is said to be well-bred and beautiful; the son an awkward booby, reared up and spoiled at his mother's apron-string.
  4. 1854, (w), (w), New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1910, Chapter I, p. 74,

  5. As for the Pyramids, there is nothing to wonder at in them so much as the fact that so many men could be found degraded enough to spend their lives constructing a tomb for some ambitious booby, whom it would have been wiser and manlier to have drowned in the Nile, and then given his body to the dogs.
  6. 1942, (w), (w), "How Lizzie Was Shamed Right Through,"

  7. She knotted our ribbons very tightly so that we should not lose them,—they pulled the little hairs under our curls and made us "ooch" and wriggle. Then Dede gave us little smacks and called us boobies.
  8. Any of various large tropical seabirds from the genera Sula and Papasula in the gannet family Sulidae, traditionally considered to be stupid.

  9. 1638 Herbert, Sir Thomas Some years travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique

  10. At which time, ſome Boobyes, weary of flight, made our Ship their pearch, an animall ſo ſimple as ſuffers any to take her without feare, as if a ſtupid ſenſe made her careleſſe of danger...
  11. 1839, (w), (w), Chapter I,

  12. We found on St. Paul's only two kinds of birds—the booby and the noddy. The former is a species of gannet, and the latter a tern. Both are of a tame and stupid disposition, and are so unaccustomed to visitors, that I could have killed any number of them with my geological hammer.
  13. In the game of croquet, a ball that has not passed through the first wicket.

  14. 1863, Mayne Reid, Croquet, London: C.J. Skeet, p. 33,

  15. A booby may displace another booby or a bridged ball by roquet, ricochet, or concussion.
  16. puhekieltä To behave stupidly; to act like a booby.

  17. 1824 (w), "Proclamation", Salmagundi volume 1:

  18. Who lounge and who loot, and who booby about, / No knowledge within, and no manners without;
  19. puhekieltä To install a booby trap on or at (something); to attack (someone) with a booby trap.

  20. 1976 "Weekly Almanac", Jet volume 22, page 44:

  21. Self Boobied. Donald E. Campbell of Merritt Island, Fla., accidentally tripped on one of the shotgun shell booby traps he had installed
  22. puhekieltä a woman’s breast

  23. 1934 (w), w:Tropic of Cancer (novel)|Tropic of Cancer

  24. At ten o’clock she was lying on the divan with her boobies in her hands.
