

  1. sokea

  2. sokko-

  3. näkymätön; pimeä

  4. umpinainen

  5. umpikännissä


blind channel

blind stitch, blind seam

a blind wall

Blind in Texas (W.A.S.P.)

Liittyvät sanat: blindness



epäsensitiivinen, paksunahkainen, kritiikitön, piittaamaton, sokea, varaukseton, ymmärtämätön, mitään näkemättä, sokaistunut, heikkonäköinen, puolisokea, huononäköinen, näkövammainen, keltasinivärisokeuden.


  1. blinda: sokea

  2. blinde: sokea

Rimmaavat sanat

blind rimmaa näiden kanssa:

big band, chateaubriand, dixieland, polterabend, jugend, boyfriend, underground...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

blind (englanti > suomi)

  1. sokea

  2. sokko

  3. umpi|alt=umpi-

  4. umpinainen

  5. vähintäkään, pienintäkään

  6. puhdas

  7. käsittämätön

  8. verho, rullaverho, made of slats sälekaihdin, markiisi

  9. linjakilpi

  10. sokkopanos

  11. temporarily or permanently sokaista, permanently sokeuttaa

  12. sokeasti, sokkona

  13. sokkona

blind englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.

  2. Shakespeare

  3. He that is strucken blind cannot forget / The precious treasure of his eyesight lost.
  4. 1883, w:Robert_Louis_Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson, w:Treasure Island|Treasure Island,

  5. He was plainly blind, for he tapped before him with a stick, and wore a great green shade over his eyes and nose...
  6. puhekieltä Unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.

  7. puhekieltä fail Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive.

  8. The lovers were blind to each others faults.''

    Authors are blind to their own defects.

  9. puhekieltä Of a place, having little or no visibility.

  10. a blind path; a blind ditch; a blind corner

  11. Milton

  12. the blind mazes of this tangled wood
  13. puhekieltä close Closed at one end; having a dead end

  14. puhekieltä Having no openings for light or passage.

  15. a blind wall, open only at one end; a blind alley; a blind gut

  16. smallest or slightest in phrases such as

  17. I shouted, but he didnt take a blind bit of notice.''

    We pulled and pulled, but it didnt make a blind bit of difference.

  18. puhekieltä without any prior knowledge.

  19. He took a blind guess at which fork in the road would take him to the airport.

  20. puhekieltä unconditional; without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc.

  21. blind deference

    blind punishment

  22. Jay

  23. This plan is recommended neither to blind approbation nor to blind reprobation.
  24. unintelligible Unintelligible or illegible.

  25. a blind passage in a book; blind writing

  26. puhekieltä Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit.

  27. blind buds; blind flowers

  28. A covering for a window to keep out light. The w:Window blind|covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass.

  29. (quote-book)

  30. A w:destination sign|destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc.

  31. Any device intended to conceal or hide.

  32. a duck blind

  33. Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.

  34. puhekieltä A blindage.

  35. A halting place.

  36. (rfquotek)

  37. puhekieltä No score.

  38. puhekieltä A forced bet: the small blind or the big blind.

  39. The blinds are $10/$20 and the ante is $1.

  40. puhekieltä A player who is forced to pay such a bet.

  41. The blinds immediately folded when I reraised.

  42. puhekieltä Those who are blind, taken as a group.

  43. puhekieltä To make temporarily or permanently blind.

  44. The light was so bright that for a moment he was blinded.

    Dont wave that pencil in my face - do you want to blind me?''

  45. South

  46. A blind guide is certainly a great mischief; but a guide that blinds those whom he should lead is (..) a much greater.
  47. puhekieltä To curse.

  48. 1890, Rudyard Kipling, s:The Young British Soldier|The Young British Soldier

  49. If you're cast for fatigue by a sergeant unkind,
    Don't grouse like a woman, nor crack on, nor blind;
    Be handy and civil, and then you will find
    That it's beer for the young British soldier.
  50. To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal.

  51. Dryden

  52. Such darkness blinds the sky.
  53. Stillingfleet

  54. The state of the controversy between us he endeavored, with all his art, to blind and confound.
  55. To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel, for example a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled.

  56. Without seeing; unseeingly.

  57. puhekieltä Without looking at the cards dealt.

  58. (l)

  59. (l) (unable to see)

  60. window shutter

  61. blindEnglish blind

  62. puhekieltä cloudy

  63. 1918, w:de:Elisabeth von Heyking|Elisabeth von Heyking, s:de:Die Orgelpfeifen|Die Orgelpfeifen, in: Zwei Erzählungen, Phillipp Reclam jun. Verlag, page 9:

  64. So dunkel und schauerlich die Gruft aussah, wenn man durch die blinden, bestaubten Scheibchen der kleinen Fenster hineinblickte, so hell und freundlich war oben die Kirche.
    : Just as dark and eerie the crypt looked like, if one looked in it through the cloudy, dusted little panes of the small windows, as bright and friendly was the church above.
  65. blind

  66. (l); unable or failing to see
