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Englannin sanakirja

blimey (englanti > suomi)

  1. helkkari

blimey englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä (non-gloss definition) (defdate)

  2. Blimey! I didnt see that!''

  3. 1945, w:Kenneth Roberts (author)|Kenneth Lewis Roberts, British Mysteries, in The Kenneth Roberts Reader, 2002, page 191,

  4. Blimey!” he says in his rough, shepherd's voice, “blimey, but it′s cruel ′ard to be chucked out of one′s digs wivout a blarsted word!(..)
  5. 2007, Penny Vincenzi, The Dilemma, page 311,

  6. Blimey,’ said Barnaby. ‘Come on, Jack, quick as you can.’
    Blimey,’ said Jack. ‘Blimey blimey blimey.’
  7. 2011, Duncan Campbell, If It Bleeds, unnumbered page,

  8. Blimey,’ said Laurie. ‘But how would he know that the Old Bill are going to swallow that? It′s a bit bloody obvious that someone must have planted it on Petrov, isn′t it?’
