

  1. siunaus

Liittyvät sanat: curse



hyväksyminen, käyttöön ottaminen, hyväksyntä, vastaanottaminen, kannattaminen, omaksuminen, tuki, tukeminen, kannatus, siunaus, ihailu, kunnianosoitus, kunnioitus, palkinto, vahvistus.

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Englannin sanakirja

blessing englanniksi

  1. Some kind of divine or supernatural aid, or reward.

  2. A pronouncement invoke invoking divine aid.

  3. (quote-book)|chapter=5

  4. Good fortune.

  5. puhekieltä A modern pagan ceremony.

  6. The act of declaring or bestowing favor; approval.

  7. (ux)

  8. 2004, David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

  9. Jocasta had my blessing when she seduced you, you stuck-up piffler.
  10. A thing one is glad of.

  11. A prayer before a meal; grace.

  12. A group of unicorns.

  13. 2008, Betsy Schiffman, " Time To Trash the Intellectual Property System, Says Report", Wired, 11 September 2008:

  14. And since we’re laying out our wishes, we’d also like a blessing of unicorns and one million dollars.
  15. 2009, Andrew Orlowski, " Facebook music dashboard: Revenue at last?", The Register, 13 September 2011:

  16. Then a blessing of unicorns charged into the studio, and I was carried away to be re-educated.
  17. 2011, Suzette Mayr, Monoceros, Coach House Books (2011), ISBN 9781552452417, page 94:

  18. She just wants to talk to her friends on or write in her journal or flump on her bedroom floor with her blessing of unicorns: her posters, figurines, stickers, temporary tattoos of anatomically correct unicorns.
