


Piper betel.

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Englannin sanakirja

betel englanniksi

  1. Either of two plants often used in combination:

  2. an evergreen Indian creeping shrub, Piper betle, whose dried leaves are chewed with betel nut: the betel pepper

  3. the seed of the betel palm, Areca catechu: the betel nut

  4. 1958, (w), (w), Penguin, 1988, p. 194,

  5. Her face was flushed with the tingling effect of betel leaves.
  6. A quid (chewing preparation) containing these and other plant materials; paan.

  7. 1934, (w), (w), Chapter 1,

  8. He went to the rail to spit out a scarlet mouthful of betel (..)
  9. 2002, (w), (w), translated by (w) and (w), Oxford University Press, 3.3.16, pp. 83-84,

  10. Within the range of his powers, he sends her, secretly, (..) cosmetics such as red lac, red arsenic, yellow arsenic, red mercury sulphide, and black collyrium; sandalwood paste and saffron; and, in course of time, areca nuts and betel leaves for betel.
