

  1. majava

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jyrsijä, majavat, Castor-suku, majava, euroopanmajava, Castor fiber, kanadanmajava, Castor canadensis, panssarilevy, panssarointi, haarniska, levyhaarniska, silmikko, visiiri.

Rimmaavat sanat

beaver rimmaa näiden kanssa:


Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

beaver (englanti > suomi)

  1. majava

  2. majavahattu

  3. tuhero, ryijy, karvakolmio

  4. majavannahka

  5. tummanruskea

beaver englanniksi

  1. An aquatic rodent of the genus Castor, having a wide, flat tail and webbed feet.

  2. A hat, of various shape, made from a felted beaver fur (or later of silk), fashionable in Europe between 1550 and 1850.

  3. (rfdate) (w)

  4. a brown beaver slouched over his eyes
  5. puhekieltä The pubic hair and/or vulva of a woman.

  6. The fur of the beaver.

  7. Beaver cloth, a heavy felted woollen cloth, used chiefly for making overcoats.

  8. A brown colour, like that of a beaver.

  9. (color panel)

  10. (alternative spelling of)

  11. 1600, (w), The Jerusalem Delivered of Tasso, XII, lxvii:

  12. With trembling hands her beaver he untied, / Which done, he saw, and seeing knew her face.
  13. 1819, (w), (w):

  14. Without alighting from his horse, the conqueror called for a bowl of wine, and opening the beaver, or lower part of his helmet, announced that he quaffed it, “To all true English hearts, and to the confusion of foreign tyrants.”
  15. 1974, (w), (w), Faber & Faber 1992, p.128:

  16. As each one brings a little of himself to what he sees you brought the trappings of your historic preoccupations, so that Monsieur flattered you by presenting himself with beaver up like Hamlet's father's ghost!
