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Liittyvät sanat: bawdy house



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Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

bawdy englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä soiled Soiled, dirty. (defdate)

  2. Thou stynkyst all of the kychyn – thy clothis bene bawdy of the grece and talow.-->
  3. (RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):

  4. whanne he had ouertaken the damoysel / anone she sayd what dost thow here / thou stynkest al of the kechyn / thy clothes ben bawdy of the greece and talowe that thou gaynest in kyng Arthurs kechyn
  5. obscene Obscene; filthy; unchaste. (defdate)

  6. puhekieltä sexual Sexual in nature and usually meant to be humorous but considered rude.
