

  1. tunne

  2. mielenliikutus

  3. kiihtymys

  4. tunnereaktio



tunne, affekti, tunnetila, muuttaa, vaikuttaa, koskea, koskettaa, liittyä, antaa isku, käydä voimille.

Englannin sanakirja

affect (englanti > suomi)

  1. vaikuttaa

  2. liikuttaa

  3. vahingoittaa

  4. esittää, teeskennellä

  5. affekti

affect englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To influence or alter.

  2. The experience affected me deeply.

    The heat of the sunlight affected the speed of the chemical reaction.

  3. Macaulay

  4. The climate affected their health and spirits.
  5. {{quote-magazine|date=2012-01

  6. puhekieltä To move to emotion.

  7. He was deeply affected by the tragic ending of the play.

  8. Edmund Burke

  9. A consideration of the rationale of our passions seems to me very necessary for all who would affect them upon solid and pure principles.
  10. puhekieltä Of an illness or condition, to infect or harm (a part of the body).

  11. Hepatitis affects the liver.

  12. puhekieltä To dispose or incline.

  13. Milton

  14. men whom they thought best affected to religion and their country's liberty
  15. puhekieltä To tend to by affinity or disposition.

  16. Newton

  17. The drops of every fluid affect a round figure.
  18. puhekieltä To assign; to appoint.

  19. Thackeray

  20. One of the domestics was affected to his special service.
  21. puhekieltä To aim for, to try to obtain. (defdate)

  22. Dryden

  23. This proud man affects imperial sway.
  24. puhekieltä To feel affection for (someone); to like, be fond of. (defdate)

  25. 1596, (w), The Faerie Queene, VI.10:

  26. From that day forth she gan to him affect, / And daily more her favour to augment .
  27. (RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), I.2.4.vii:

  28. A young gentlewoman in Basil was married(..)to an ancient man against her will, whom she could not affect; she was continually melancholy, and pined away for grief .
  29. 1663, (w), w:Hudibras Hudibras, part 1, s:Hudibras/Part 1/Canto 1|canto 1:

  30. But when he pleased to show 't, his speech / In loftiness of sound was rich; / A Babylonish dialect, / Which learned pedants much affect.
  31. Fuller

  32. As for Queen Katharine, he rather respected than affected, rather honoured than loved, her.
  33. puhekieltä To show a fondness for (something); to choose. (defdate)

  34. 1603, (w), translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, III.9:

  35. Amongst humane conditions this one is very common, that we are rather pleased with strange things then with our owne; we love changes, affect alterations, and like innovations.
  36. Shakespeare

  37. For he does neither affect company, nor is he fit for it, indeed.
  38. Hazlitt

  39. Do not affect the society of your inferiors in rank, nor court that of the great.
  40. puhekieltä To make a show of; to put on a pretence of; to feign; to assume. To make a false display of. (defdate)

  41. to affect ignorance

    He managed to affect a smile despite feeling quite miserable.

  42. Congreve

  43. Careless she is with artful care, / Affecting to seem unaffected.
    Thou dost affect my manners.
  44. puhekieltä One's mood or inclination; mental state. (defdate)

  45. puhekieltä A desire, an appetite. (defdate)

  46. puhekieltä A subjective feeling experienced in response to a thought or other stimulus; mood, emotion, especially as demonstrated in external physical signs. (defdate)

  47. 1999, Joyce Crick, translating Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, Oxford 2008, p. 62:

  48. if we are afraid of robbers in a dream, the robbers are certainly imaginary, but the fear is real. This draws our attention to the fact that the development of affects (transterm) in dreams is not amenable to the judgement we make of the rest of the dream-content ....
  49. 2004, Jeffrey Greenberg & Thomas A Pyszczynski, Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology, p. 407:

  50. A third study demonstrated that the effects of self-affirmation on self-regulated performance were not due to positive affect.
  51. affection; fondness
