

  1. palvoa, jumaloida

  2. ihannoida



tehdä jstk fetissi, rakastaa, pitää kovasti, pitää paljon, pitää, pitää hirveästi, ihannoida, palvoa, kunnioittaa, arvostaa suuresti, kunnioittaa syvästi, ihailla.

Rimmaavat sanat

adore rimmaa näiden kanssa:

folklore, poplore, pore, ex tempore, kuore, tuore, uunituore, painotuore, paahtotuore, teurastuore...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

adore englanniksi

  1. To worship.

  2. (w) (1721–1771)

  3. Bishops and priests,(..)bearing the host, which he James publicly adored.
  4. To love with one's entire heart and soul; regard with deep respect and affection.

  5. (ux)

  6. (w) (1800-1859)

  7. The great mass of the population abhorred Popery and adored Montouth.
  8. To be very fond of.

  9. (RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt)

  10. "I ought to arise and go forth with timbrels and with dances; but, do you know, I am not inclined to revels? There has been a little—just a very little bit too much festivity so far …. Not that I don't adore dinners and gossip and dances; not that I do not love to pervade bright and glittering places.(nb..)"
  11. puhekieltä To adorn.

  12. (w) (c.1552–1599)

  13. Like to the hore / Congealed drops, which do the morn adore.
  14. energy

  15. courage

  16. (inflection of)

  17. English adore

  18. worship

  19. (ro-form-verb)

  20. (es-verb form of)
