

  1. (biokemia) adeniini

Liittyvät sanat: thymine



puriini, adeniini, A, deoksiribonukleiinihappo, DNA, ribonukleiinihappo, RNA.

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adenine rimmaa näiden kanssa:

aine, asia-aine, anestesia-aine, auringonsuoja-aine, puunsuoja-aine, lahosuoja-aine, raaka-aine, uusioraaka-aine, ruoka-aine, rihma-aine...

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Englannin sanakirja

adenine englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä A base, C5H5N5, found in certain glands and tissues, which pairs with thymine in DNA and uracil in RNA.

  2. (quote-text)

  3. 2006, David Markie, 1: Markers, Selection, and Media in Yeast Artificial Chromosome Cloning, Alasdair MacKenzie (editor), YAC Protocols, 2nd Edition, page 2,

  4. There are two genes in the adenine biosynthetic pathway of yeast (ADE1 and ADE2) that, apart from producing an absolute requirement for adenine when mutant, also produce a change in colony color.
  5. 2010, Debjani Roy, Rogué Schleyer, 6: Chemical Origin of Life: How do Five HCN Molecules Combine to form Adenine under Prebiotic and Interstellar Conditions, Chérif F. Matta, Quantum Biochemistry, page 202,

  6. The HCN pentamer, adenine (a constituent of DNA, RNA and many coenzymes), is one of the most abundant biochemical molecules.
  7. (inflection of)
