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Englannin sanakirja

ceo englanniksi

  1. sky

  2. heaven

  3. fog, mist

  4. haze

  5. vapour

  6. puhekieltä nothing, anything

  7. (ux)

  8. A chough, a bird of the genus Corvus; a jay; crow; jackdaw.

  9. (alternative form of)

  10. (roa-opt-cite-cantigas)

  11. Como un tafur tirou con hũa baeſta hũa seeta cõtra o ceo con ſanna p̈ q̇ pdera. p̃ q̃ cuidaua q̇ firia a deos o.ſ.M̃.
    : How a gambler shot, with a crossbow, a bolt at the sky, wrathful because he had lost. Because he wanted it to wound God or Holy Mary.
  12. puhekieltä heaven

  13. Subiu ao ceo. o fillo / de deꝯ. por dar paray.ſaos amigos ſeꝯ
    : Ascended to heaven, the son of God. For giving paradise to his friends.
  14. whole

  15. entire, complete

  16. small

  17. minute
